Monday, April 26, 2010

week #17

I've been meaning to post this all week, but kept forgetting. This week's new thing is just for me. It's not anything wild or crazy or whatever. You know how when something bugs you and you complain about it a lot, and then people give you suggestions on how to make it better, but you just make excuses and keep complaining. I just decided to do something about something that's been bothering me. So there. It's not super secret or anything. It's actually just sorta boring so I don't know what to write about it.

The end.

Monday, April 19, 2010

week #16 - hollering back

Sorry I left you hanging on the new thing for this week. I bought roller skates.

Buying something seems like a cop out for the new thing (hey, I spend money all the time) but once the roller skates get here I can actually do some new thing-ing. You see, I don't think I've ever been roller skating.

Growing up, the nearest skating rink was about a half hour or so away from my house, so I didn't get a chance to go much. I remember going with a youth group or something on a bus trip one time, but after getting there someone in our group got in trouble for smoking in the bathroom. So we were all loaded back onto the bus and shipped back home. I don't even think I had a chance to put skates on. AND I also don't think I got my skate rental money back. Damn you Kenny Reynolds.

So I ordered some roller skates online. Nothing too fancy. Just something to get me started so I can hone my skills and one day become queen of the roller derby! I listen to this song once a day to get me pumped up.

I know it's really about sex, but who cares. It's also about roller skating and stalking boys. Done and done.

Oh, and on a side note. I keep reading articles about other people doing new things in 2010. There was that suicide guy I wrote about a few weeks ago and now there's this silly broad. I mean, come on people, if you're going to copy my new year's resolution, can you at least half ass it like the rest of us???

Saturday, April 17, 2010

week #16

Oh geez, sorry for the lack of posting of late. Life has sorta been getting in the way recently, but hopefully things are back to normal. First, let's talk about bodybuilding competitions for a minute.

So I went to the 2010 Natural Bodybuilding and Figure Competition last weekend to watch my brother's first bodybuilding show. He was in two categories and came in 5th in both (although we all agree he should have placed higher in the one). They give out awards up to 5th place so it's cool that he got to go home with two trophies in his first competition. Now, I have to say, the whole competition was sort of an experience. My brother got down to like 2% body fat and when he flexed he looked like Mr. Body...

I didn't realize there was all this yelling at these things -- "flex," "harder," "keep your legs tight," "blow the air out" -- it's all very crazy. The fake tans were a little hard to get past. But on stage, I could definitely see a difference between the guys with the tans and the ones without. (But, come on, some guys just looked dirty. I mean, use common sense, go to a professional.) Anyway, it was interesting, and I was impressed by the dedication it takes to do that. I wouldn't be able to give up my carbs and sugar. No way.

This week... can I get back to you on that?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

week #15

This blog has not been very funny of late. Booooooooring. But guess what I'm doing this weekend?

No, not that.

Going to a Body-Building-Fitness-Figure-Competition. Yep, that's right. Me and my 1-pack are modeling -- wait, I can't even lie about this. My brother and his girlfriend are in this thing. I'm not even sure what exactly it's called, but I'll be sure to update as soon as I know what all this is about. All I know is there will be muscly boys. And to that I say, boo-frickin-yah.

Friday, April 2, 2010

week #14

I really don't understand many of my quirks and weird ways. I'm a social enigma, what can I say. However, I do think I'm one of the most ambivalent people ever. Okay, maybe not ever, but I just don't care about a lot of things.

But, the other night I watched Food, Inc. It's a documentary about where our food in the U.S. comes from. It was amazingly interesting and also quite disturbing. It's astounding to realize the chemicals that are in your food, and the way giant corporations treat animals, farmers, and us, the consumer. The movie is just graphic enough to really make you want to change your habits.

Right after watching it, I went and cleaned out some of the processed junk I had in my cupboards and got rid of the frozen chicken I had in the freezer. I think the scenes about how chickens are raised really hurt my heart. And while no, I'm not giving up chicken, I'm also not going to buy just any old package off the shelf anymore.

Side note: Another great show that makes you think about food differently is Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. I recommend you view it. It's more about the way Americans eat all processed food and we're all fat cows.

So, after all my television watching, I decided this week's thing is not really for this week, but hopefully for the rest of my life. I'm going to try to be more socially responsible in my grocery shopping. Buy local. Buy organic. Know where your food is coming from. Make dinner from scratch. Yay for a healthy person and planet. Yay for having an opinion. No more ambivalence.