Thursday, September 9, 2010

week #37

I just posted this morning, and here I am again. My new week starts tonight at midnight, and I haven't thought of anything yet, except for maybe this: No more bitching about my move.

I was talking to one of my old coworkers in Cleveland today, and I think she put it best when she said, "Well, a bad day in New York is still better than any day in Cleveland." That really got me thinking. Yah, my apartment search is totally sucking, but so what, I'm in New York. No sense putting off the fun until I find a place. Carpe Diem as they say.

Don't get me wrong, I probably will still bemoan some things (my feet HURT), but I'm going to try not to. I don't want your pity.* I'm in New York. I am having fun. Seeing new things. Meeting new people. Eating tons of delicious food. Exploring - OH! the exploring.

So fret not dear followers (Hi Kate and Rems), negative Nancy is gone. And, so, I leave you with these words of wisdom...

* except you mom. I want your pity. And your financial donation to help cheer me up.

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