Tuesday, September 21, 2010

week #38

Finally! I finally found, viewed, applied for, got, and paid for an apartment in New York City. Wow. Done. Finally. I'll be living a bit north of the Columbia University area, so while maybe not the sexiest address in NYC, it's a place. Of my own. Yep, that's right. It's my own little over-priced studio. Take that all you roommate-seeking jerks who didn't think I was hipster cool enough to share your flat. I can have all the weird sleepovers I want now. Booyah.

So now that the apartment is taken care of, I can finally start doing fun new New York things. I still need to actually move all my junk in, but a weight has been lifted, and it's amazing all the free time I feel like I have now. Instead of seeing 3 places every night after work, and then surfing craigslist during any down time, my time is all mine. What to do... what to do...

I wanted to learn how to curl, but I couldn't find any New York City curling leagues. Perhaps I'm not searching hard enough for that. But man, there are so many things I could do. So many different ways to use my spare time. Volunteering at an animal shelter? Homeless shelter? Join a soccer league? Softball league? Running group? Participate in a language exchange? Take night classes? Knitting lessons? Any suggestions?

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