Thursday, October 7, 2010

week #40

Are my weeks off? I know this is sort of for last week, and I'll have a post for next week probably tomorrow. So I think I'm still on track, but correct me if I'm wrong.

So I did something this past week, but I forgot what it was. It obviously wasn't too spectacular, but I have a fun one for next week. I was all screwed up and behind because I didn't have internet at home for the past month. Ever since I've been in New York, I've been stealing internet, which didn't work out so hotly when I moved into my own place a few weeks ago. Everyone around here kept their internet under lock and key. No worries though, I'm all hooked up to my very own password protected wireless service, so I'm set for the foreseeable future.

Instead of trying to remember what lame thing I did this week, I'm going to bitch for a minute. New York made me super angry last night and this morning. "How?" you ask? Well, seems that the NY State DOT decided that my quiet, little, residential street needed to be resurfaced or something, so last night, starting at 10 p.m. sharp, jackhammering, bulldozing, shoveling, etc. commenced outside my window. This lovely symphony continued on through the night until 4 a.m. It was a regular effing construction site and I was pissed. At one point, I threw a 3-year-old temper tantrum, kicking and flailing and yelling to no one that I JUST WANNA SLEEP!

What is with the total lack of regard for the people living on my street? I get it. There's a ton of traffic during the day, and it disrupts the flow of cars less if they do roadwork in the dead of night. But come on, it's not like I live on a bustling thoroughfare -- divert the damn traffic to any one of the streets one block over! It doesn't look like the construction is complete either, so I am dreading tonight, or any night in the near future. I bought ear plugs today at the drug store (NYDOT you owe me $3.99) but I'm not sure anything could muffle the sound of a backhoe 30 feet away from my sleeping head.

So that's my complaint this week. Other than that, things have been just peachy. My apartment is coming together nicely. I've got some good, fun outings coming up that I'll tell you about. But for tonight, I'm trying to get to bed early, just in case those jackholes come back with their heavy equipment again tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who still throws temper tantrums. :)
