Thursday, January 28, 2010

Week #5

I gave up on the swear-free week sometime on Wednesday. I don't know, I started the day off somewhere below the $10 mark. Maybe I got cocky. We'll never know. However, I do know that Wednesday kicked my ass and at the end of the night, I had completely lost count. Not even a full month into 2010 and I'm already a failure.

But, you know what will turn that frown upside down... buying chicks for the poor.

No, no, really. Have you ever been to the Oxfam web site? They're a pretty legit organization that does great things for the poor all over the world. Also, it's a pretty neat idea that instead of just giving an organization your $20 and moving on, that you can actually pick a specific gift. A cow. Seeds. School books. Manure! So I went with donating a dozen chickens. I want the naming rights of one of them though. Percy the chicken has a nice ring to it.

Well, that's week number five down. First time in my entire life I've bought someone else a chick. I always assumed something like that would cost more than $40. Who knew.

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